Thursday, January 22, 2009

Getting dressed

We've been here before, but apparently this is the point where getting dressed ceases to be what can I wear to cover the bulk and starts trending to, what nice thing do I get to wear today? I'm not nearly into what are, sadly, my skinny clothes (women's 16) but things are starting to look better.

I'm so much less conflicted this time. It's amazing. I'm not sure why, either, maybe because I did this and the world didn't end and then I gained weight and the world didn't end, so I finally believe that it's safe to do either? Not sure, but feeling sane about what I'm doing is certainly helpful.

I wish that I could strip away all the nonsense from losing weight. That it's not morality or immorality, it's weight. That your weight is not a reflection of the value of the soul, tops of the way you value your soul.

I still work in the bead shop. We've moved, so I don't get to see people come down the stairs belly first, but I still see some very overweight women. Sometimes, I have to be honest, I'm repelled, by the ones that sort of seem like they could be me, utterly out of control, and sometimes I just feel bad for them. As I said before, I wish I could tell them how much better they'd feel, how much simpler life would be.

Oh, well. I can't, can I? And there's nothing worse than a reformed drunk!

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