Oh, I don't know. Maybe. Mostly it's that I'm not being as rigid with myself as I have been, though this program doesn't require great rigidity. Last night was nibble, nibble, nibble, and tonight wasn't far off. Dipped into my flex points both days. Not far in, but far-ish. Not sure how I feel, other than full.
However, I had my ever-popular trigger around, my old friend meat. I remember now, this was an issue the last time I went to Weight Watchers. I am an unabashed carnivore. I love meat. This is very unfashionable to admit, and very nearly politically incorrect, but I do. I can have a house full of chocolate, and I have a piece or two. I can have a freezer full of ice cream, and I have no problem staying within my limits. Meat, though...I could crank through a pound of deli ham in no time, just me, the deli ham and a jar of mustard. I made a chicken curry salad last night (recipe to follow) because I wanted to have shrimp with the vodka sauce, my father can't eat shrimp, if I'm cooking a chicken breast, I might as well do a package, and so I had the chicken. I couldn't keep my fingers out of the salad. I made spaghetti with meat sauce for tonight (93% lean beef is like chicken, pointswise) and that was awfully good, too. I remember sitting at meetings, wanting to bring up my issue and feeling too ashamed to do it. Wanting to eat chocolate is cute, girly; wondering how you can manage to fit a 12 0z. sirloin makes you feel like you should be punching a time clock at the docks.
I am usually a good girl. I've made friends (well, nodding acquaintanceship) with soy. I can manage to not eat meat on Fridays in Lent, and this year I got through with only one lapse to macaroni and cheese. This week, though, is a killer. And I can't even blame it on my period, since that's getting more and more sporadic.
I just like meat. Beef best of all, chicken, pork not so much, and I love venison when I can get it, probably because I was more or less raised on it. Rare roast beef....yum.
So that seems to be this week's theme. I might make the famous 0-point soup again, though it looks as though we're finally getting out of soup weather.
Well, maybe this will be a week when I just spread the flex points out. I try to let each week on this program have its own character. Some weeks I stick very close to the program, and have a splurge at the end. Easter weekend I just tried to be careful, but more or less cut loose, though cutting loose looks a lot different these days, too. So this week will have its own character, and that will be all right, too.
Oh, and the chicken salad!
8 oz cooked chicken ( for this I just microwaved a couple of halved breasts, no need to brown them or anything fancy at all. Not raw is the main thing)
1/4 shredded coconut
1 oz. cashew pieces
1/4 cup raisins
capers to taste
2 Tbsp. light mayonaise
1/2 cup no-fat yogurt
scallions to taste, or onion, finely chopped
Shred or chop the chicken. Mix with the other ingredients, then add salt, coarse-ground pepper and curry powder to taste. The whole bowl, with those ingredients, is 16 points, so you can figure from there how much your serving is.
May I say: YUM
You aren't alone! I, too, love the meat, especially salty country ham. I craved bacon, just bacon, all day yesterday! I'm sure that someone else at your meeting will be wishing that they'd had the courage to have said so first after you do.
I like your honesty. I have enjoyed your posts. In fact, I was telling my hubby about what you said about German attitudes toward overweight people just last night. I wish you luck on this journey.
That chicken salad sounds awesome!
Thank you so much. I believe in honesty--this is a business of altering my very being, in the most literal sense--I can't see the point in acting as though nothing at all is going on.
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